numerical values

electron  m0(e) = me =  9,10938356e-31 kg      r0(e) = re = 2h/(πcme) = 1,5446370702e-12  m      λC(e)  = λe = (π/2)  · re

9,27400999205404e-24 J/Tesla    μBe(th)  (semiclassical) theoretical value of the electron magnetic moment

9,284764620e-24  J/Tesla   μBe(exp)  measurement of the electron magnetic moment

(-) 2,00231930436182 [CODATA2014] ge  electron g factor

μBe(exp) = ( 1 + 0,00115965218091) · μBe(th)    ►   fe = 0,00115965218091

1,075462794596e-26 J/Tesla  : difference value  μBe = μBe(exp) - μBe(th) 


proton  m0(p) = mp =  1,672621898e-27 kg      r0(p) = rp = = 2h/(πcmp) = 8,412356403e-16  m      λC(p)  = λp = (π/2)  · rp

5,0507836982111e-27 J/Tesla    μBp(th)  (semiclassical) theoretical value of the proton magnetic moment

1,4106067873e-26    J/Tesla   μBp(exp) Meßwert, magnetische Moment des Protons

5,585694702 [CODATA2014] gp  Proton g Faktor

μBp(exp) = ( 1 + 1,7928473512) ·μBp(th)    ►   fp = 1,7928473512

9,0552841747889e-27  J/Tesla  : Differenzwert  μBp = μBp(exp) - μBp(th) 



1836,15267376007   =  mp/me  = μBe(th) /  μBp(th)

2,78961237051261160  =  ( mp/me )  /  ( μBe(exp) / μBp(exp) )  = ( μBe(th) / μBp(th) )  /  ( μBe(exp) / μBp(exp) )

658,21068660613  =  μBe(exp) / μBp(exp)

1,187662993831791717  = μBe / μBp

1546,021626754602   = fp / f( mp/me ) / μBe / μBp 


neutron mn =1,674927471 e-27 kg    mn = mp + me + ∆m  

∆m = 1,405600680072e-30 kg       ∆Eee =    1,263290890450e-13 J      ~    0,78848416 MeV

∆μBn    =                        μBn(exp)               -    μBn(th)       =     9,6623650e-27 J/Tesla      μBn(exp)  =  ∆μBn 

                            9,6623650e-27 J/Tesla     -   0   J/Tesla 


physical constants

α   =  0,0072973525664     1/α = 137,03599913815451   e = 1,6021766208e-19  As  : electric elementary charge

h =  6,626070040e-34  Js : Planck constant     c = 2,99792458e+08 m/s  : speed of light

f7 = 4πε0c² = 1e7 A²s²/(kg·m)         elementary body charge : q0 = 2·e/α = 3,7510920453946e-18 As